The Gwl@d Pre-Pandemic Rugby World Cup 2019 Spreadsheet

Make the most of this tournament, because we at Gwl@d Towers reckon there’ll be some kind of pandemic thing, probably covid-related, in the next year or so which will probably prematurely end the Six Nations. We’ll probably end up locked in our houses and all rugby will be cancelled. Even the summer tours.

Just imagine that.

We’ve also put a fiver on the WRU insisting the Scotland game goes ahead despite everybody else in the entire world* cancelling all mass gatherings. Before being forced into a humiliating and – because everybody who intended to be in Cardiff that weekend will already have arrived – largely pointless last-minute climbdown.

Anyway, it’s Rugby-World-Cup-is-starting week! The best Rugby-World-Cup-is-starting week for a good four years.

To ensure that Gwl@ders don’t come over all unnecessary, we’ve decided to lower everybody’s excitement levels by forcing them to look at a spreadsheet. In our defence, it’s a Rugby World Cup spreadsheet, so you can follow the tournament as it progresses, check kick-off times, add in points and tries scored, and it’ll work out what happens next for you. You lucky, lucky people.

So here it is. Joiwch y jiawled.

RWC 2019 – Gwlad Spreadsheet


* Except Status Quo tribute act The Twatting Stereophonics, obviously, who will try to kill all their fans by playing two gigs in the middle of a plague, the divs.

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